Making a Difference

Our Great Tool of Gratitude - Mary Ellen Swartz

Revs. Larry and Mary Ellen Swartz

Listen as Mary Ellen shares a lesson on the powerful tool of gratitude that is awaiting our use and which can literally change our lives. 

"Metaphysicians have discovered that words that express thanks, gratitude, and praise release energies of mind and Soul; and their use is usually followed by effects so pronounced that they are quickly identified with the words that provoke them." Charles Fillmore 

"A grateful  heart will always attract to itself in one way or another, through human hands, or through wonder-working ways, the great things needed to solve the particular situation. It is an outworking that you can stake your life on."
 Eric Butterworth. #Gratitude #spiritualgemsaz #Unity #NewThought #makingadifference #thankful

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