Making a Difference
Positive and inspirational teachings that will make a difference in your life from Reverends Larry and Mary Ellen Swartz, ordained Unity ministers.
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Podcasting since 2019 • 236 episodes
Making a Difference
Latest Episodes
How To Begin Opening Your Mind To Abundance, part 2 by Larry Swartz
"Lack in any form is against the very essence of pure being which is omnipresent abundance, and we get to choose how it expresses to, through and as us." Larry SwartzListen as Larry shares part 2 of How to Begin Opening Your Min...
How To Begin Opening Your Mind To Abundance, Part 1 by Larry Swartz
If life is consciousness and we each create our own reality, then what have you been creating for yourself? Have you been holding a belief in a God of lack or abundance? Do you think that living a life of abundance and well being is even spirit...
Relooking At Regrets by Mary Ellen Swartz
Luke 9:62 "Jesus said to him, 'No man who puts his hand on the plough handle and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.'" Regrets! What are they? Why and how does regret and remorse have an affect on our lives now?Listen as Mary...